Q: The RFA mentions Common Data Elements (CDEs).  Where can I find these?  Is collection of these CDEs required as part of my proposal?

The NIH Common Data Elements can be found at this link: https://health-equity-action.org/nih-cde.  You are not required to collect these CDEs as part of your pilot project. 

Q: Would a proposal on violence or mental health qualify for this funding program?

Yes, topics on violence or mental health would be considered for funding, if combined with another health condition.

Q: How do you define multiple chronic conditions?

A: Please review this publication for information on multiple chronic conditions: 
Defining and Measuring Chronic Conditions: Imperatives for Research, Policy, Program, and Practice

Q: Do I have to include more than one population for my research topic in health equity to be funded?

A: No, if you are addressing the health equity of a minority or under-resourced community, you do not need to include a second population to act as a comparator.

Q: If I have received an R01, can I still apply?

A: Yes, but only if you are shifting the focus of your research towards health equity.

Q: I have a research topic in mind, but I need help identifying a mentor. What should I do?

A: Start by reviewing the list of researchers associated with C3EN. Many of these individuals may be suitable mentors for your line of work. If you are interested in working with one of these individuals for your pilot project, please contact us so that we can facilitate an introduction. You can also email the Investigator Development Core co-directors for additional guidance.

Q: Is community engagement a required component to be funded for the pilot award program?

A: No, you do not have to have a community partner or community engagement in your pilot award application.  You will need to address the level of community engagement in your project and provide a justification for how it is appropriate for your project.  You may also describe how community engagement will become a part of your research in the future.

The Tamarack Institute’s Index of Community Engagement Techniques is a thorough guide of community engagement practices organized by engagement level: https://www.tamarackcommunity.ca/library/index-of-community-engagement-techniques.

Q: How is community engagement scored in the pilot award application process?

A: Reviewers will be asked to assess the type of community engagement described in the proposal and to assess the appropriateness of the type or level of community engagement for that proposal. If you would like to consult with the Investigator Development Core Co-Directors, please contact us. Contact information is available in the RFA.

Q: I’m not sure how to identify a community partner for my research. Can C3EN help?

A: Yes! We are here to connect researchers to relevant community partners.  Please contact us at mnorstrom@medicine.bsd.uchicago.edu.

Q: Do you cover indirect costs?

A: Yes, we cover indirect costs.

Q: Is community engagement a required component to be funded for the minigrant program?

A: Yes, you need to have a community partner in your minigrant application.